
Elkhorn Fern

4.0" pot
pot-drainage No drainage

#ElkhornFern Discussion

I have a mounted Stag horn & I am seeing brown fronds. I am following the water cycle and letting it dry completely in the moss. Any advice on what causes brown spots? Also can I unmount and wrap in moss and just hang?

Mounted this #ElkhornFern

I have had this plant since August 14. It has lost every leaf. The plant seems firm in the dirt. Any tips are appreciated.

Anyone know when to transplant my elkhorn fern, I was told they don’t mind small containers. Currently I have a 4” pot and looks like this.

Sharyn @Junglegirl It’s with the most sadness in this writing. My little AUSTEN gave up and is now in plant heaven.

Sharyn @Junglegirl HELP!!! My little ELKHORN fern β€œAusten” looks nothing like he did just a month ago. He was growing and really stretching out. I bought him in because it’s starting to get cold here now and now he’s lost all leaves and all that’s left of him is a single stalk. I never over or under watered him. (I don’t know how to add a current picture, every time I tried it would erase the original) Somebody help please! #Ilovemonestrathemost #19plantsarenotenough #plantsmakemesohappy #Ineedaseperatehouseformyjungle


Is this guys pot too small? Why is he dropping all the sudden?

🌟🌟Plant Boost Tuesday🌟🌟 Tuesday July 3rd 2024 Special

Advice? My elkhorn fern is not doing well. It is currently tied to a tree facing the northwest in South Florida. Thanks for any advice that will help her. It was a gift and I’m not great with plants but I’m trying πŸ˜