
Herbst's Bloodleaf

pot-drainage No drainage
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Iresine Discussion

#herbstsbloodleaf Good morning planty friends I've just done my very first trellis πŸ€”on my girl "Cleopatra" She's a lot more stable than she was She's in need of a Repot this growing season Been a fast grower this one πŸ©·πŸ’šπŸ©·

I noticed my plant needs to be watered every 8 days or the leaf looks like it is wilting.

Good morning/afternoon/evening 🌏 planty friends πŸ’š Check the growth out of my "Cleopatra" baby girl πŸ’“ A cutting I got in bk end of September from #Etsy! πŸ˜ƒ and today we have been blessed with 🌞 yay πŸ’ƒ

Did I chop this plant back too much? 😬


Is this very leggy or just tall?

Update: the blood leaf has made a complete recovery! (It was extremely thirsty) #HappyPlants #PlantAddict #HappyPlants #PlantTherapy #GregGang #Greggers

How fast are bloodleafs meant to grow? I’ve had her a while now- the date listed is not quite accurate as I’m not sure exactly when I got her- but she hasn’t grown a single new leaf. I’ve since moved her to a window sill in my bathroom (shown in photo below) with more indirect light and humidity from the shower. Am I doing something wrong or are they just slow growing? She’s dropped a few leaves since I brought her home but no new growth at all. Not trying to be impatient with her, just wondering if I’m doing something wrong as I’d like to help her thrive if so!! ✨pics were taken from different angles✨ #bloodleaf #herbstsbloodleaf #help

Leaves drooping during sudden heatwave

VERY sad iresine… How do I keep her happy/help bounce back