
Dragon Tree

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
sunlight-hours 3-6 hrs light
window-orientation NE
3.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Dracaena Discussion

How can I help this plant be fuller? How can I help it grow leaves in places other than the top?

Can I snip the ends off of my leaves ?

I have a naked middle piece to my dragon tree, how can I fix it ?

Arborea plant stops growing leaves and edges turning into yellow.

I had to bring inside for winter and now starting to lose leaves!!! It is inside a sunroom with plenty of light and a heater in the room. Why is it losing leaves????

Anyone know why all the leaves are dropping of my plant. It looked healthy with nice foliage now it has no leaves πŸ€” ??

Hi, why does my dragon tree start to lose all the leaves from one day to the other??

My plant keeps dropping leaves and one whole section fell off. What could be causing this? Or is it normal? It’s definitely growing upwards!

My dragon plant is dropping leaves and losing its red accent colour

I need some advise for my dragon tree. I noticed once we hit the fall months and the sun light wasn’t as strong, the leaves started to drop. I figured it was adjusting to the change of season. I also just got back from a two week vacation and I’m not sure my house sitter watered my plants. The soil was really dry and the leaves looked limp. I’ve since watered the plant and see some life back in the leaves. The plant has been through a lot. Question: how do I give this plant a little boost? Should I use my indoor lights and see if that helps? I know it doesn’t like direct sunlight but I feel like my house is darker now that it’s snowing and raining all the time.