Justin Direct sunlight 6.0" pot No drainage View @UltraRosilla's Oasis #Sedum Discussion What would you do? #PropagationStation Help me name my new additions to my little plant family! I couldn't resist these 2 little 2 inch babies. My first succulents in a while. I'm so excited to watch them grow! 🥰😍 But... what should I name them?! 🤔 #GoldenSedum #PlantAddict #Succulents Will my Sedum be alright where he is? The ac unit is right above my window, and he’s currently in a glazed clay pot with no drainage, however, the bottom of the pot is halfway full of shredded paper. my golden sedum plants seem to be like almost shrinking? any idea of what i’m doing wrong? you can’t really tell by the pics bc of different size pots. but i can tell. i’m a new planter so any tips would be great. also any way to propagate these? I broke a leave off is there a good way to grow that leave Thriving New pot ow much direct sunlight should I give my plant daily to avoid burns? SUCCULENT SOS My husband is very into getting me plants now and I can’t complain! Similar Plants in the Community Sherlock McKinley Sky