

pot-drainage No drainage
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#RedSage Discussion

These have not bloomed since I transplanted them in my walkway garden… my friend planted them in the ground and said they do great. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong! #how often should they be watered? Am I under watering? Maybe I’m over watering! Help!

Hi everybody, this potted lantana from Lowe’s was robust and beautiful when I brought her home but she got heat-stressed out on my south-facing lanai (Tampa, FL) yesterday morning. So I brought her inside, gave her the recommended 1 1/2 cup water (soil was dry to touch) and all her curled, drooping leaves went pretty much back to normal. Then, being too scared to put her back outside, today I put her under the purple grow-light for about 3hrs. She didn’t like that AT ALL and we are back to drooping and curling. I googled sudden curling leaves in Lantana and it was talking about too much LIGHT! Is it normal for Lantana to be that fussy? I mean, the state of FL has declared Lantana a noxious invasive WEED, so what’s her problem? Anybody have any ideas?

Do Lantana do better in pots or inground?

I'm a beginner with this plant. Could someone guide me on what to do and what to avoid, especially regarding watering and sunlight? I've kept it near a window.

My lantana is dying after buying it from nursery please anyone help im clueless

How do I help my sick lantana? It has brown spots on all the leaves.

Hi! Help! My lantana tree was vibrant with blooms two weeks ago. Now, it’s blah. What have I done wrong? I would love your advice. #PropagationStation

Hi guys! I need help!

Why is my lantana droopy?