Kobe Desert Rose Plant No drainage Regular Indoor View @USAGardenHub's Oasis #DesertRosePlant Discussion My plant gets very little sunlight - esp in the winter. Would artificial lights be helpful? Losing leaves What are the white cotton or mold spores on the stem at base of leaves? Why is the trunk yellowing? From being cold? Iβve barely been watering π« My Dorstenia foetida aff. ssp. Foetida is losing all of its leaves! It's down to only a single leaf. Any advice? I got her years ago from someone who said she was a goner, she's been like this for YEARS and only gotten taller and had little leaves at the top that eventually fall in the winter, is that... normal? It doesn't seem normal. Pic is ~1 month in my care. Can I prune my plant. It is tall and leggy but does not bloom What pests do give them to grow the plant fastly? Is my desert rose dying? Or dormant? I need a replacement for Zeus. He is looking dead. Please help me get a replacement. I canβt find the order details to request a replacement. This is my formal request for a desert rose replacement plant. Thanks , Dave Similar Plants in the Community Gareth Sonora Desert rose Learn more about Desert Rose Plant π» Annual π Benefits πΊ Best Pot π Black Spots on Leaves π Brown Spots on Leaves π Bugs π Care Indoors ποΈ Care Outdoors π₯ Companion Plants π Direct Sunlight π½οΈ Edible π© Fertilizing πΈ Flower π₯ Flower Problems π Hardiness Zone π¦ How Often to Water π How to Grow π§βπΎ How to Plant π¨ Humidity π‘ Landscaping Ideas π Leaves Curling π Leaves Drooping π Leaves Dropping π Leaves Falling Over π Lifecycle π€οΈ Light Requirements π± Overview π³ Perennial π Pollination π€ Problems π§ͺ Propagating π§ͺ Propagating βοΈ Pruning πͺ΄ Repotting π€ Root Rot π« Roots π Size πͺ΄ Soil π‘οΈ Temperature πΈ Toxicity to Cats πΆ Toxicity to Dogs πΆ Toxicity to Humans π± Varieties π Weeds π What Eats ποΈ When to Plant π Where to Plant π Wilting π₯Ά Winter π Yellow Leaves