

window-distance 1.0ft to light
window-orientation South
pot-drainage No drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Euphorbia Discussion

I saved this poinsettia from the trash. It was given to our office. I’ve never had a poinsettia and I’m afraid I might be killing it. Most of the leaves that were left have fallen off. I’ve noticed there is a little bit of new growth. Any tips to help me save it? #poinsettia #euphorbia

Pot type: I am moving my Noel from the plastic pot she came into a regular pot. It is recommended that I use a porous pot. I have a clay pot that is glazed on the outside. Is that good enough, or should I use terracotta?

Speaking of holiday plants (I just posted about my literal late-bloomer amaryllis πŸ˜‚), the beautiful, magnificent poinsettia my mother bought for me last month was immediately besieged by spider mites, and by the time I was able to kill them all, she’d lost all her gorgeous leaves πŸ˜­πŸƒ But being a patient and loving plant mom, I knew she just needed time to recover. Now she’s growing new leaves and will be lush again in no time. Never say die! Plants want to live; give them the chance πŸ’• As the illustrious (and somehow still extraordinarily handsome) Jeff Goldblum says in that one πŸ¦–movie, β€œLife, uh, finds a way.” #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #LifeFindsAWay #Poinsettia #PlantRehab #GregGang #babevila #PlantTherapy #NewGrowth

Poinsettia Rescue My husband brought this Poinsettia home from his office. It was headed for the trash and he intercepted it. @StarryKentia I've got me one and will do my best to keep it alive. I don't have a very good track record! Regardless I'm up for a challenge! However, I'm getting conflicting care instruction. One says direct sunlight the other says direct sunlight will burn its leaves? Which is it? πŸ™πŸ’šπŸ˜Š #poinsettia #rescueplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #happyplants #euphorbia

Losing her…help please!!! Just moved her to direct SE window she was about 3 feet away before. Soil is still very moist from last watering. Thinking I should repot her and get the wet soil out of her roots.

Is this normal?

Leaves shriveled and falling off

I have never kept a poinsettia and I really want to keep this one. Any and all tips please! It will be inside with grow lights.

Adopted a new plant πŸ’š

Help! My poinsettia is dying.