Fernie Mac

Clubed Begonia

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
window-distance 1.0ft to light
sunlight-hours 1-3 hrs light
6.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Begonia Discussion

I need help! Does anyone know why my begonia is like this sad? She is watered and has good light):

@JenniferNoel Hi Jennifer. We chatted a few weeks ago about me sending you a cutting of my club begonia so I need your address. Please email me at mmtruran@gmail.com with your details so I can arrange to prop and ship to you! thanks!

surprises the fun of having a new plant and not knowing what is developing before your eyes. leaf? flower? it was a FLOWER πŸŽ‰ and now i'm waiting to see what photo 5 will become #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #NewGrowth #PropagationStation

Having trouble with getting blossoms and pests on leaves. How often should I water and what can I do about pests.

How do I deadhead this plant?

I always order my plants and sometimes planters from this one place and I love them! They always package everything so very nice, the plants are always so beautiful and healthy :) they recently have seemed β€œoff” somehow with me though. I’m not sure why or how or what I’ve done. I just feel a bad vibe anymore when I do have to socialize with them. I recently ordered three begonias, I actually ordered it through Walmart and did not realize it was through this company until days after I placed the order, but this is what they sent me….. these two were the worst. Oh my gosh!???!? I know things happen BUUUT!!! I didn’t say anything and I actually ordered a small bit more. Beautiful plants. I hope they come okay. I mean… you can barely at all even tell what these are. I just wonder why they did that, it makes me sad and I just guess I’m venting, sharing. I mean that one piece looks like lettuce to me and Greg here said so also. Hahah, #sunday #GregGang #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #lovemyplants

Got this Cubed Begonia for my mother in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!!!!! Still going strong!

Anything to stop bunnies from nibbling on my plants?

My begonia's starting to show signs of root rot. How can i avoid it? And what can i do differently?

Browning/oranging leaves