Bunny ๐Ÿ’œ

Beautiful Graptopetalum

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
sunlight-hours 6+ hrs light
window-orientation Skylight
4.5" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Terracotta
soil-type Succulent
outdoor-plant Outdoor

Posts About Bunny ๐Ÿ’œ

#TransformationTuesday this is my graptopetalum โ€˜Superbumโ€™, I recently repotted her after she got much to big for the pot in the first picture. She is now in yellow 3 inch pot that @Lifeis2short gifted to me ๐Ÿ˜Š. The first picture is from February 29th The second is from may 16 when I repotted her The 3rd-5th pictures are from this past Saturday. She has grown so well, and I definitely recommend Mountain Crest Gardens for online succulent shopping ๐Ÿ›๏ธ all of my plants have preformed well, & show stable colors, growth & health. Bunny is almost three times her original size, and loves being in full sun for most of the day. #HappyPlants #GrowingSuccs #OutdoorGrowing #OutsidePlants #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #succytuesday #Succulent #Graptopetalum #NewGrowth #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #BeforeAndAfter #PlantAddict #

Happy Friday #GregGang โ˜€๏ธ๐ŸŒฟ I hope everyone has had a good week! Has the time change made your day go by faster or slower? For me it seems like itโ€™s been going by faster. โฉ For this #FreshLeafFriday I wanted to post my *almost* finished planter that I got a couple weeks ago. There is one more spot left, which I plan to fill this weekend after a trip to my fave local nursery! Iโ€™ve came to a sad conclusion that I no longer will be purchasing plants from my Home Depot because sadly the last several plants Iโ€™ve gotten from there, have had some fungal issue that either spreads to my other plants, or kills the plant I purchased. Despite throughly inspecting them when purchasing, there is just some things that the human eye canโ€™t see, or it looks healthy but the disease hasnโ€™t fully set in yet.. Anyways on a better note Iโ€™ve got pictures of my finished planter, I will list the plants in order of the tiers starting from bottom up. ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐ŸŒฟ โ€ขBottom- Graptoveria โ€˜Debbieโ€™ , Graptopetalum โ€˜Super Bumโ€™ & Echeveria PVN ๐Ÿ’œ all these are purple toned, although the graptopetalum & PVN arenโ€™t visible in the picture because they are in the back. So I willwil attach photos of them. (Photo 3) โ€ขMiddle- Varigated SOH, & Calico Hearts (Andromiscus Trifloris). ๐Ÿ’•This tier is the one that has a remaining spot left. โ€ขTop- Echeveria โ€˜Green Pearlโ€™, Echeveria โ€˜Atlantisโ€™, Sedum Clavatum, & Echeveria โ€˜Elegansโ€™. ๐ŸŒฟ #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #Succulents #Succulent #GrowingSuccs #BloomingSuccs #OutdoorGrowing #Echeveria #StringOfHearts #Graptoveria #Graptopetalum #sedumclavatum #sedum

#BeautifulGraptopetalum Discussion

Is this a ghost plant succulent

Time to prop/repot?

Mystery Succulent

Change in 2 days ๐Ÿ˜

Today, in #CarolinesWinterGarden, I prepped another #PropagationStation tray to get southern light. Thirty-two more babies are growing. Iโ€™m a bit excited about watching them grow because this is a much larger specimen than Iโ€™ve seen in Texas. Their mother plant is tagged below. #GhostPlant #HappyPlants #FitSedum

Today, I went to check on Seedlings 33-64. Theyโ€™re looking good. What do you think? Working on another tray of 32. ๐Ÿ˜… #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #SucculentLove #SucculentSquad #FitSedum #CarolinesWinterGarden #PlantAddict #SanAntonioGregGang #OthonnaCapensis #littlepickles #RubyNecklace #CrestedGraptoverias #RarePlants #BeautifulGraptopetalum #PLANTMAFIA #CentralTexasGang

Something very unexpected has happened.. So, a while ago, I cut this branch off of Spirit because it was causing her to lean. Now I look at her, and there are suddenly roots on the base of her stalks! Time to chop n' prop! #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy #plantcorner #plantlove #iloveplants #newgrowth #planttlc #greggang #adhdplantlovers #propagationstation

#PropogationUpdate: Some of these #BeautifulGraptopetalum seedlings 1-32 seem to just betaking off now. I have 30 or 40 more to pot. This will be interesting. #FitSedum #CarolinesWinterGarden #PlantAddict #SucculentSquad #SanAntonioGregGang

A tiny miracle. What a wonderful finding! #newgrowth #plantsmakepeoplehappy #freshleaffriday #babysucculent #succulentlove #whatthesuccwednesday #succulentsquad #echeveria #ghostplant

What type of pot should I use for my Ghost Plant? He's currently in a jar, which I can imagine is not recommended.