The triplets

Snow Queen Pothos

window-distance 4.4ft to light
window-orientation East
2.5" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Succulent
outdoor-plant Indoor

#PothosSnowQueen Discussion

The variegation on this leaf! 😍 Last fall I noticed her leaves were coming out darker and solid so I gave her a trim and added a grow light. And the variegation has been the best it’s ever been! πŸ’šπŸ₯Ή Just had to share this tiny success story. #HappyPlants #PothosPack #PothosSnowQueen

Extended my moss pole tonight for my snow queen pothos! She’s really taking off! I had all the materials and she was ready for an extension so I thought why not. I’m really hoping I get some bigger sized leaves soon! Also, I love this pot that she’s in at the moment! I chose my favorite pot for my favorite plant! (Ignore the pestle I put in the pot because she’s pretty top heavy. Also, ignore my windowsill. It’s dirty and the peaches are gonna be put away lmaoπŸ˜‚ #Pothos #SnowQueenPothos #cutepots #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PlantTherapy #PlantLove #FavoritePlants #ILoveHer #Bee

While watering her I noticed my snow queen pothos has these single brown dots on three of its leaves. 1 dot per leaf! What do you think it is? #SnowQueenPothos #Pothos #help #PlantAddict #help #helpneeded #HelpfulSuggestions

Spider Mites?!!??

Saw little bugs flying around this plant. Does anyone have input


My snow queen has lived in water for 6 years and was always beautiful, recently she’s become pale, the tips of her new leaves are drying and leaves in general are smaller, any advice?

Droopy pothos

Please helpπŸ₯²

Was leaving it outside okay?