
Philodendron 'Snow Drift'

grow-light Grow light
window-orientation East
4.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Succulent
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Philodendron Discussion

Pretty variegation on my #NeonPothos, my work #Amaryllis is growing like a weed, the newest leaves on my baby #ThaiConstellationMonstera, #Philodendron Ring of Fire, and baby #PinkPrincessPhilodendron πŸ’•πŸͺ΄πŸŒΏπŸ€— #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #NewGrowth #PlantAddict #variegatedplants #variegatappreciation #babevila #PhiloFlock #MonsteraMob #FreshLeafFriday #StripedTubedAmaryllis

#Philodendron My philo’s have really been working hard to put out new growth these last few weeks! Tuscadero my Pink Princess has not one, not two but three new leaves! I thought she was going to die and I just left her be for like a month and now she’s recovering with a vengeance. Next is James Dean my Prince of Orange(POO). He’s also sprouting out several new leaves. #NewGrowth. Poseidon is a philo brasil and he loves his new spot so much, he’s blessed me with a lot of growth everywhere! Quentin is an Imperial Green and he also has new leaves about to pop! And last but not least is Neon! He’s been a slow but steady grower! He was a rescue! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PlantTherapy #FreshLeafFriday

Any pointers? Lost a leaf.

This is my Red Heart Philodendron! ❀️ I have had her for probably 5 months and I still haven't named her!! 😲 So I need your help, #greggers! What should I name this gal? Her leaves come in bright red, like you see, and shift to a daarrrk green as they age. She also has a lot of tendril like aerial roots that are dark in color. #helpmenamemyplant #theamigos #jesssjungle #greggang #philodendron #redheartphilodendron #philoflock #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy

What a find! I saw this beauty a couple of weeks ago, hiding in the back of a plant shelf in food lion. And I kept thinking about her. Yesterday I saw someone posting a pic of a pink princess - it was a sign for me to bring this princess home. Just look how healthy the leaves are! Oh, and I paid only 9 bucks for it πŸ’š #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewPlants #Philodendron #PinkPrincessPhilodendron

I've tried to find

I thought Birkin was not a vining philodendron, but mine seems to want to vine. I would like it to grow straight with fullness at the bottom, but am nervous about pruning it. Would love any recommendations

Tell me you had a #repotting day without telling me you had a #repotting day. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Long overdue for sure! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #GrowLights #repotted #RepotOClock #RepottingParty #Philodendron #PhiloFlock #GregGang #Greggers #PLANTMAFIA

Philodendron I’d help!

What is causing a few of my phili snowdrift leaves to turn translucent brown thin?