Hoogendorn Holly

Japanese Poinsettia

window-distance 3.0ft to light
window-orientation East
20.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type None
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

Posts About Hoogendorn Holly

Why is my plant turning brown and dying?

#Euphorbia Discussion

Gnats! Anyone know a good safe way to get rid of gnats?

Leaves are drooping and growing thin, any suggestions?

My daughter and her fiancΓ© surprised me with a new plant! I don’t believe I’ve ever seen this plant before! #JapanesePoinsettia #euphorbiatithymaloides #PlantsMakePeopleHappy

ID help please!

Here's another #Poinsettia365! I forget about this one because it doesn't look like a "normal" poinsettia. It's actually a Japanese variety. I've had it for years and it just keeps growing! #HappyPlants #SarahsGreenhouse #PlayingWithPlantsInsteadOfWorking #Euphorbia

Following all directions but leaves drying and dropping. One green leaf left. Help!

Is this normal?

Hey, I have this plant I just brought home. It’s in plastic, has been for years. Do you think I should change it?

I know I should stop buying lithops 🫣 I already have 50 seeds, I will get one more as a Christmas present πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« but they looked so cute I just couldn't retain myself, I also got an euphorbia ritchiei, I don't know, every time I watch them they make me smile πŸ€—, do you think they will do alright with me? #lithopsarmy #lithops #succulentsquad #succulentlove #cactusclique #cacti #euphorbia #euphorbiaritchiei

So, I just got some new plants from the nursery 🀩 first picture: eve's needle cactus, second one: euphorbia, then an hairy-stemmed rhipsalis and a purple pitcher plant #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #succulentlove #evesneedle #euphorbia #cactusclique #cactus #cacti #cpclubthursday #carnivorousplants #purplepitcherplant #pitcherplant #hairystemmedrhipsalis #pencilcactus