

pot-drainage No drainage
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Papaya Discussion

#CitrusGrandPrix Here are my papaya trees!! Truckin along! #NewGrowth #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlayingWithPlantsInsteadOfWorking 🀫

How can I make my plants grow faster?

Is my plant sick ? I’m not sure if it’s looking like this because it’s fruiting . Help me please!

what up. thought i’d share an update on those #Papaya plants near my apt someone asked on my last post what the blooms smell like, and i can’t remember who and i can’t find the original post BUT they smelll overwhelmingly like honeysuckle to me! and a sad day. the baby plant down the side walk from the big guy got yanked up. hopefully it’s living a wonderful inside life now. i’ve attached a pic of the spot it was (last pic)

Why are leaves dying sooner than before. It is now rainy season so it gets water practically every day?

Looks like the leaves are being eaten and has areas turning white ?

When should I expect to get some fruit, this tree is over 18 months old getting full sun and watering accordingly to schedule plus some extra ?

there’s a few papaya growing wild in my apt complex and i literally take the long way thru the buildings so i pass ALL of them on my way home from the bus stop. i’ve tried to take a cutting from one and it didn’t pan out so i decided i’d wait until i found a liiiiitle seedling and just uproot THAT and steal it away to my apartment to grow as my own. but maybe i can harvest some seeds! these two (i say two but it’s really like three in one spot and one little guy in another) papayas have started flowering! hopefully they’ll give viable fruits; in any case you KNOW i’ll keep greg updated. first four photos are the cluster of plants, it has opened flowers and buds! i’ve also included my hand for reference on how THICK this trunk is and last photo is the little guy. he has some green buds so he’s getting there. bonus pic in the comments of a rando gourd i check on (on the same walking route) that is also flowering thanks if you stuck around this long lol sorry it was a little long-winded but #ivebeensmokingplantstoo so not too sorry πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #HappyPlants #Papaya #WildPapaya #FloweringPlants

Hello! New papaya trees - one has very droopy leaves and these yellow spots. Is this powdery mildew?

How’s my plant looking?

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