Robert Plant


window-distance 9.8ft to light
window-orientation West
7.09" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

Posts About Robert Plant

New leaf is black

#Monstera Discussion

Recuse Plant

Itโ€™s been a little limp lately and a few dry spots on the leaves although Iโ€™ve been watering once a week. What can I do to bring its liveliness back? #SadPlant

Help me name my new Monstera ๐Ÿคโ˜บ๏ธ

Need help for Monsty! Sheโ€™s dying?

Monstera Amateur (at best) needs advice

Started my new experience with monstera with this little one, any advices? #monstera

Why is one of my newer leafs turning yellow and falling over?

Stopped by Samโ€™s club otw home today to pick up something to cook for dinner & saw this beauty for $17! Sheโ€™s in a 10 inch pot with a nursery pot inside. I normally donโ€™t buy from big box stores because I prefer to support my local little nursery (they แ’ชOแฏแ•ฎ to see me coming in๐Ÿ˜‚)- but I couldnโ€™t leave without one- They ALL looked so good! Meet Lucy! #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants #PlantAddict #monsteradeliciosa #PlantTherapy #MonsteraMonday #PlantCorner #TropicalPlants

Tik Tok hack? Just wanted to share that Iโ€™ve now tried this hack twice and both times my monsteras popped out nice big finestrated leaves. I put one of the aerials in water for a couple days and both of my monsteras have newbies. Has anyone else tried this? Andโ€ฆSolei one has some crazy root growth! I thought the root rot got her, but maybe thereโ€™s a chance??? #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #PlantTherapy #MonsteraMonday #GregGang #Greggers #Monstera #MonsteraMob

Do I need to move my sticks closer to my plant? Is my plant ok n the plastic container inside the pot for now? Will my plant get enough light by the window with a blind over it? Plz help! Thank you โค๏ธ