Alocasia red secret

Alocasia โ€˜Red Secretโ€™

2.0" pot
pot-drainage No drainage

#Alocasiaโ€˜RedSecretโ€™ Discussion

Good morning planty friends ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿชด This morning I've added a trellis to support:M she was top heavy I know she needs a bigger pot but will wait Hopefully she won't be too upset with me She's looking a bit drab her red colour is no more But I hear they go dormant if I'm not mistaken ๐Ÿค”Have a great weekend People ๐ŸŒโค๏ธ๐Ÿ•Š

Does anyone know the secret?

Maybe I should name her now; I didn't before because I wasn't sure if she would pull through. But now look at her new leaf! It's gorgeous! ๐Ÿ˜ Any name suggestions for this gal? #helpmenamemyplant #alocasiaaddicts #alocasia #alocasiacuprearedsecret #happyplants #plantaddict #jesssjungle #theamigos

How can I help my plant??

Couldnโ€™t help myself. Trying again to raise an #Alocasia This is my Alocasia cuprea โ€˜Red Secretโ€™. Iโ€™m still not sure if they are the plants for me, butโ€ฆ look at these leaves Itโ€™s still in a 4โ€ pot and showed no signs of going into dormancy according to my friend who gifted me her. Best of luck! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PlantTherapy #RarePlants #PlantMail #GregGang #greggers #FreshLeafFriday #FreshFeaturedFriday

Hello, I got this beautiful plant yesterday and I had a flower out this morning! It's my first week with plants, so I don't know yet if I should keep the flower or cut it? What do you suggest?

Why are the leaves pointing downwards and one leaf curling inwards I did move her closer to the window blinds fully open She's been fine otherwise Thanks โค๏ธ

Should I cut the small leaf off at the bottom which is discoloured I've repotted Mai ling today I was wondering if to cut the small leaf off or leave it alone Thanks โค๏ธ

I just love the metallic look (and size!) of this Alocasia leaf. #AlocasAddicts #HappyPlants #PlantAddict #NewGrowth

@PoisedAlbo Would you repot Mai ling now she's grown quite a bit I've got Alocasia mix for her just need a pot Thanks