
Assorted Lithops

2.5" pot
pot-drainage No drainage

#Community Discussion

Bolder isn't Ok what did I do WRONG? I've been diligent about not killing this with love.Today I come and look at it, at first I thought it was growing and then I realized it's not growing I think it's DEAD!! PLEASE, can he be saved ?

Why is one part of my lithop hard and shrivelled up?

Brownie is splitting! #lithops This is my very first lithops. I know that this is normal, but I'm curious. How can you tell if they are making a flower or just creating a pup? Again, this is a first, and I still don't know too much about lithops. Looking inside, I see something that looks like it could be a baby lithops. #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy #plantcorner #plantlove #iloveplants #newgrowth #planttlc #greggang #adhdplantlovers #succulent #whatthesuccwednesday

I repotted my lithops from a terrarium to a long planter and have been misting them regularly but they went from stiff to very soft and almost feel like a water balloon. What do I do?? #Lithops

Lithops not splitting but... drying

Hey to all Deep Roots people! I just found out that Bolder got watered. my questions are 1) is she dead 2) how will I know ? Also I just found out that she shouldn't be in plastic so what type of soil and pot ( if she lives ) should she be in. Thanks.

Does anyone know the name of this succulent species?

Here are pictures of my beautiful lithops. I found them at a store and I almost screamed for joy! What do you guys think? Pretty right? #succulentsquad #whatthesuccwednesday #lithopsarmy

Any tips?

I am having a good relaxing morning moving these Lithops into a new, larger pot together #LithopsArmy Th soil mix I use: miracle grow for succulents + additional perlite (1 part soil + 1.5 part of perlite), and lava rocks as a top dressing. #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Lithops #vladimirisbraggingagain #lithopsKardashians