Your plant

Golden Pothos

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
2.0" pot
pot-drainage No drainage

#GoldenPothos Discussion

potted this golden pothos i propagated today!! #GoldenPothos #PothosPack #HappyPlants #potted #Propagation

When do you start to harvest some of the leaves?

Afternoon Planty Peeps! πŸ₯° I just wanted to demonstrate the outstanding qualities of #PothosPower! πŸ˜‚ Many of you will have heard the old legend about sticking a Pothos cutting in your prop jar to hasten the rooting of your other cuttings? Well, here it is demonstrated for you (in case you were in any doubt! πŸ’š). As you can see from the photos, my E. Aureum cutting's aerial roots have only JUST started to grow (the whiter coloured tip you can just see is new growth) but JUST LOOK at the roots on my baby rescue Monstera cutting!!! (I took in this rescue from a friend when she told me it wasn't doing well, and when I checked the roots... They were all done for 😭 there wasn't a single unrotted root on her, poor baby! So, having just recently chopped my E. Aureum there was only one thing for me to do... Obviously! 🀣). These have been in the water together for just FOUR DAYS! πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ Incredibly, the Monstera's new roots (which weren't even there before I put them in together!) have just taken off! Even though the Pothos/ Epipremnum has barely started to root. So, if your propping in future just think how much faster it could happen with a little #PothosPower in the mix! πŸ˜‚πŸ’šπŸ₯°πŸŒΏπŸ₯°πŸ’šπŸ˜‚ Xxx

How do I stop the yellowing leaves?!

I need to re-pot my Golden Pothos, what kind of soil should I use?

#GoldenPothos help I had her in direct sunlight and the leaves started yellowing and brown tips so I moved her to indirect light and she’s still getting yellow πŸ₯²πŸ₯²

How often should I be watering my golden pothos I’m new to indoor plants

Anybody know why Gomez is yellowing and brown on the edges?

Hey guys, I've been having some mealybugs problems lately with one of my pothos, I sprayed some water with neem oil, what else can I use to kill that pest

What's going on?? This is the first new growth in months. What's wrong with my pothos? Both look like burnt ends