Tupot amaroot

Chinese Money Plant

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
window-distance 4.4ft to light
sunlight-hours 1-3 hrs light
window-orientation SE
4.76" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Glazed clay
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor
near-humidifier Near humidifier

#Pilea Discussion

What’s happening to her 😭

What’s wrong with my money tree

What the FLIP are these ????

Chinese money plant struggling

Did I do the right thing?

Why did my #ChineseMoneyPlant just chuck off its own leaf?

Penny with all her pups. I cut them off mother penny and then put honey on the cut part of the pup before planting them onto soil and they have been doing VERY well. Penny also has two more pups growing but they have slowed down since it is winter, I will plant them come spring. #HappyPlants #PropagationStation #Pilea #ChineseMoneyPlant

My pilea has been propagating for a while now and no roots yet. I even added rooting hormone to the water. I checked it today and noticed THE smell. Yknow what smell I’m talking about…that’s right: ROT!!! So I clipped the rotted stem off and hopefully I got all of it. Starting over with the propagation process. I’m letting my pilea sit out for 24hours to callus over on the cut area. Then back in the propagation station it goes. Uuuuugggghhhhh #PileaPeperomioides #PlantAddict #PropagationStation #ChineseMoneyPlant #help

I found this snow globe a few years ago at target! And knew I was gonna use it for my plants! I finally have a use for it! I put one of my pileas babies in it! Everyone meet Centavo! #Pilea #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PlantTherapy #GrowLights #PlantShelfie #PlantLove #ChineseMoneyPlant

What am I doing wrong here? The leaves are falling off from the bottom up