

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
4.0" pot
pot-drainage No drainage

#Pinguicula Discussion

Hey, i would like to ask is it necessary to put the butterwort Pinguicula "Wesser" in dormancy in winter or not?

Plant Meme Monday May 13th 2024 #plantmememonday #seymour #theamigos

Happy thanksgiving everyone!! I just wanted to share my my happy bloom ♥️ enjoy your day!! #happyplants #carnivorousplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict

This ping was delivered upside-down. The leaves feel rather fragile and are pushing it away from the substrate. Now the top leaves are turning brown. Any recommendations? What should I do?

I know I am late for #cpclubthursday, at least where I live, but I had to post a picture of Doily; she has started flowering, you guys 😱🤗! I've only had her for 6 months (and put her in the wrong pot), and she is already flowering 🥹 despite the fact. I had to share. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #CarnivorousPlants #Pinguicula #FloweringPlants

TAD DAH! 🤗🌟🥳✨ #cpclubthursday #CarnivorousPlants #CarnivorousClub #NewGrowth #Pinguicula #Butterwort #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #flowerpower #Flowers #FloweringPlants

What’s wrong with my Pinguiculas?!


Happy #cpclubthursday #GregGang !!! Today I wanted to show off this pretty little purple bloom on my butterwort. It’s the first time this ping has bloomed since I got it, and the flower is just so lovely , I had to share. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #Pinguicula #MexicanButterwort #Blooming #flowerpower #Flowers #CarnivorousPlants #Butterwort #theamigos #LaSiguanaba

New pings!