
Sweet Pitcher Plant

pot-drainage No drainage
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#SweetPitcherplant Discussion

My sarracenia has just opened a huge pitcher! It’s the biggest one the plant has produced so far. She has also been doing a good job of ridding the house of a fraction of Japanese Beatles, despite being 4 rooms away and inside of a greenhouse. πŸͺ΄πŸž I’m very proud of all the growth she’s had since I got her 3 - 4 months back. 🌱 The first picture is when I had just gotten her and the second is her now! 🌱πŸͺ΄ @Merranda I think you’d appreciate a post on sarracenias. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #GrowLights #cpclubthursday #CarnivorousPlants #CarnivorousClub #Sarracenia

We just got our sweet picture plant and we were wondering how hard it was to grow it what's the best light to give it give me all your details

What’s up with my sarracenia?

Wet feet?

Should I get a heat lamp for mine?

Meet Vlad and Lucy, the latest carnivorous plants to enter my lair. Both of these predators were supermarket rescues and I’m hoping that with a lot of TLC (and a little bit of blood πŸ§›πŸ»β€β™€οΈ), this dynamic duo will soon begin to thrive! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantCorner #PlantLove #CarnivorousPlants #cpclubthursday #VenusFlyTrap #PitcherPlant #RepotSeason

Velma got HUGE over the summer outside. :o #cpclubthursday #sarracenia #pitcherplant #carnivorousplants #carnivorousclub #plantaddict #happyplants #newgrowth #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantmafia #greggang #theamigos #jesssjungle

Hi, is anyone growing a Darlingtonia (cobra lily)? If anybody have an advice you're welcome

Hi, is anyone growing a Darlingtonia (cobra lily)? If anybody has an advice let me know

Pitchers getting crispy on the ends; dormancy? I’ve been wondering if it might be time to put my purple pitcher plant in the back porch for the winter. The tops of several pitchers are turning brown and crispy. What do you think? #CarnivorousPlants #CarnivorousClub #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy