
Assorted Nerve Plant

pot-drainage No drainage
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Community Discussion

My nerve plant doesn’t look happy. Any suggestions from others with these?

HELP plz—-sick looking

Nemo needs help!

Always with the drama. 🙄

Why am I losing leaves so fast??

@SuperbRaspfern @BabeVila just wanted to give you an update on Nemo. After a lot of misting and finally getting a working humidifier beside him, he seems to be doing much better and he is even getting new growth! Thank you for helping me get him back to thriving! Oh I added crystals and the gnome too #happyplants #plantdad #plantsmakepeoplehappy #newgrowth

HELP! My Fittonia is not perking up after watering.

#HappyPlants #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #Fittonia Wow!! I took a few cuttings from my mother nerve plant, Frazzle Dazzle on 5th Jan. Pita who I planted directly in coco coir with no roots had new growth 3 weeks in so I’m sure she has roots now! I’m going to have to repot her in new soil soon. Now I wait for the water props named Jitters to fully root! I have a few but they aren’t ready just yet!


I think I am 🥰. I ordered a red #Fittonia from a local Etsy store and boy Twitch is even more beautiful and vibrant than the photo on their website! I have a pink one I recently propped and it even flowered. It’s been doing so well and they are such fun plants, I wanted to expand the colors. Plus who doesn’t love a little pink and red for Valentine’s Day❤️💕 #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantMail #PlantTherapy #HappyPlants