Nemo Crassula Pellucida No drainage Regular Indoor View @Petite_Eureka's Oasis #Crassula Discussion Help!! She’s dying I think it’s dying!!! Two repots from last night.. I was literally out in the storm, repotting plants. 😵💫 can you say manic episode ? Anyways these pots didn’t have holes, & I REFUSE to use a pot without drainage, so I finally got my boyfriend to drill some holes in these cute lil pots I’ve been holding onto, for what seems like forever ! 🥰 so cute Baby yoda- ‘Spring jade’ Sedeveria (she has lots of babies underneath her) Cement Circles Pot- Calico Kitten Crassula & Andromichus Triflourus (Calico hearts) What could I put in the tiniest cell, left on the cement one ? #HappyPlants #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #GrowingSuccs #CalicoKitten #CalicoHearts #Sedeveria #repotting #RepotSeason #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #OutdoorGrowing #CoolPotMondays (I know it’s not Monday 😅) #Succulents #Succulent #FreshFeaturedFriday #FreshLeafFriday #PlantMail arrived today, from Mountain Crest Gardens! They came in much better shape this time, in a smaller box which meant they had less room to be jostled around. I’m so happy with all of them, the colors & conditon they came in! 1. Sedeveria ‘Spring Jade’ 💚 she is perfect, and super healthy, the colors are lovely! 2. Graptosedum ‘Blue Giant’- isn’t quite ‘blue’ yet, she’s more of a light powder greenish blue, but I know once he receives more light, he will show more color. He also was healthy, just needs a deep watering. 3. Echeveria ‘Dark Moon’ - I’ve been wanting a black, or dark colored Echeveria, I’ve seen a blue moon on Greg before and it was sooo stunning such a deep blue color! I’m sure some of yall have seen it, I can’t remember her ‘@‘ but if you remember tag her! Anyways I can’t wait to get her in the sun so she can continue to develop those blue colors ! Help me think of a name for her ! 💙 I like ‘marina’ cause she’s a Marine blue. 4. Crassula ‘Calico Kitten’ Is one of my fave succulents, (it was my boyfriend’s favorite #succulent from this order also. I’ve had one before but lost it due to rot. 😟 I love the crassula species. it’s so diverse, colorful, their are so many different shapes/silhouettes.. AND they are typically low maintenance/chill succulents! This is the one I got for my tiered planter, it has one spot left, & i wanted to add 1 more trailing succulent to the planter. It will be on the middle tray so it will be in the same planter with my VSOH, and calico hearts! The calico kitten also somewhat has heart shaped leaves, so the middle level will be heart themed 🤗💕 (picture 5 is the middle level, where my calico kitten will be.) #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #Succulents #GrowingSuccs #HappyPlants #PlantAddict #iamnothorder #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #Echeveria #Crassula #Graptosedum #Sedeveria #CalicoKitten #OutdoorGrowing more adorable cuttings I’ve been growing from my calico kitten, I love the green and pinks 🥰 #PropagationStation #SucculentSquad It’s been a rainy day here so I decided to finish one of my planty projects. Did another yarn DIY hanger. This one is for Marie. #DIYPlanter #YarnLife #PlantTherapy #RelaxingProject #HangingPlants What am I doing wrong?? #CactusClique #CactusFlowers #Cactus I love when universities give out free plants and free pots. Like please keep it up 🫶 I got perrie for free today at an event from my gf’s university haha. The parents were not impressed I couldn’t resist not bringing one home haha. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #Crassula #CrassulaPellucida #astromindthoughts Rescued from the pot plant graveyard (2) Similar Plants in the Community Luna Sedum Missy Hilda Learn more about Crassula Pellucida 🌻 Annual 🌟 Benefits 🏺 Best Pot 🍂 Black Spots on Leaves 🍂 Brown Spots on Leaves 🐞 Bugs 🏠 Care Indoors 🏞️ Care Outdoors 👥 Companion Plants 🌞 Direct Sunlight 🍽️ Edible 💩 Fertilizing 🌸 Flower 🥀 Flower Problems 🌐 Hardiness Zone 💦 How Often to Water 📈 How to Grow 🧑🌾 How to Plant 💨 Humidity 🏡 Landscaping Ideas 🍃 Leaves Curling 🍃 Leaves Drooping 🍃 Leaves Dropping 🍃 Leaves Falling Over 🍂 Leaves Mushy 🔄 Lifecycle 🌤️ Light Requirements 🌳 Perennial 🐝 Pollination 🤔 Problems 🧪 Propagating ✂️ Pruning 🪴 Repotting 🤒 Root Rot 🫚 Roots 📏 Size 🪴 Soil 🌡️ Temperature 😸 Toxicity to Cats 🐶 Toxicity to Dogs 👶 Toxicity to Humans 🌱 Varieties 🔍 Weeds 🐛 What Eats 🗓️ When to Plant 📍 Where to Plant 😞 Wilting 🥶 Winter 🍂 Yellow Leaves