
Lipstick Vine

pot-drainage No drainage
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#LipstickVine Discussion

First Time Plant

Flowers in Winter β„βœ¨ I just came home from school for the weekend and found my lipstick vine producing beautiful flowers! After yesterday's cold spell, this was such a wonderful surprise. I thought I would share with y'all too! ☺ #goodnews #flowers #growth

What is my plant?

New plant! πŸ₯° #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #NewPlants #LipstickVine

How do you water?

One #lipstickvine in leca! Goodwill vase and some scrap vynil+etching cream, and TA-DA! #happyplants#plantaddict #plantsmakepeoplehappy #planttherapy #crazyplantlady #teamleca

Well I'm committed now.... #lipstickvine #plantaddict #planttherapy #crazyplantlady

Sooooo yesterday, I MAY or may not have Proplifted from the lipstick plant at work πŸ˜… but do you blame me? Just look at her, so pitiful πŸ₯Ί BUT TODAY I GOT TO WORK IN FLORAL AND GUESS WHAT?! The mother plant’s condition seemed to worsen over night and guess who got to take it hommmeeeee?! Now I have Momma and some little babies! I even let my coworker take some cuttings for herself πŸ₯Ή When I got home, I placed an already rooted Pothos cutting with them for some ✨Pothos Water Magic✨ and now let’s hope for the best! Info on Momma Plant: she was outside and got the harsh, west evening sun. Her soil is damp but I think that, plus the constant sun exposure, caused her leaves to start being squishy. Any tips would be appreciated!!! TIA! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #GrowLights #PlantTherapy #PlantShelfie #NewPlantMom #PlantCorner #HangingPlants #LipstickVine #Cuttings #PothosWater #ScienceWithGreg

How do I get my lipstick cutting to root!?

#BlackPagodaLipstickPlant #LipstickVine