
Small-Leaf Spiderwort

pot-drainage No drainage
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#SmallLeafSpiderwort Discussion

Tradescantia - SOS‼️

I just got those from my dad who passed away. I don't know what's wrong if anything with it. Can someone help me?

Need some help.

Just rescued this baby from Home Depot, she didn’t look too healthy and I couldn’t walk away. She needed a home 😊 does anyone have any tips on helping me get her healthy and happy?

In any case anyone was wondering what would happen to small-leaf spiderwort if you planted it in a small space without drainage and let it do its thing for a while: 1. I like you, let's be friends 2. This tiny sugar container from an old tea set had this plant inside, and yes, the offshoot was growing underground. It was the biggest container I had in the set, I also divided them over 2 teacups and one of them came out like the third pic #happyplants #smallleafspiderwort #plantsmakepeoplehappy

A few of its leaves have gone shrivelled but not crispy. Overwatering? If so, what should I do? It's in a normal soil mix, not a houseplant or succulent one.

#FreshLeafFriday for spiderwort! I didn’t even realise these beauties flowered, but he’s gorgeous! Can’t wait to prop and give as a Christmas gift 🀭 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PlantTherapy #spiderwort #SmallLeafSpiderwort

What do I do with the dying leaves?


Why does my jade plant have white sparkles all over it? Like a bad moisturizer with white tint and sparkles? And it's everywhere but not on other plants.