Lavender Begonia 'Gryphon' No drainage Regular Indoor View @NiftyBurlemarx's Oasis #Begonia Discussion I over watered this when I added more soil…it’s super droopy- will it survive? Rude Amazon Guy Rude Amazon Guy Friends!!!!! Greggory is FLOWERING!!!!!!!!!!! I get so thrilled when something goes right!!! He likes his home! He’s happy with his neighbor, Austem! So to show his thanks, HE’S FLOWERING!!!!!!!!♥️ Look at these cute leaves on my Gryphon Begonia! #FreshLeafFriday (fresh leaf Monday) I will will be away on Friday so catching these moments while I’m here. #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict GoodMorning && Happy Thursday #brunchataudreys ❤️❤️ First, I’d like to say that each and every one of you are absolutely amazing! This group has grown tremendously in what feels like a very short period of time! I can remember when it was just maybe 10 or 15 of us, but I would not remove one single person even if I had to because EVERYONE has been sooo helpful and caring! I cannot believe the love this group has for one another! It’s sooo awesome and also very special to me! Especially in this world nowadays! You just can’t find that and it’s sooo sad! My son is in 6th grade so it’s his first year in middle school right! Well the bullying has gotten SOOOO BAD, he’s had suicidal thoughts over it! Mainly because of his hair cut! I keep it short, but he’s definitely NOT BALD! So these kids are calling him baldy, Mr Clean, a cancer patient, bald, whatever they can possible think of that’s mean, but yet they want to act like it’s not a problem UNTIL he stands up for himself! Then he’s the bad kid and gets in trouble! It doesn’t make any sense to me, but it’s sooo sad! I mean he will be 13 on Halloween! He’s got a full life still ahead of him and I try telling him all the time…..once you’re done with school, you’ll look back and laugh! It’s not funny, but we all do it and it’s just a short period of your life! Sooo……that’s a little piece of what I’ve been dealing with! Just in case y’all were wondering why I’ve been MIA here and there! Now, what we all came here for! Brunch, right?!?! It’s currently 10 am in Atlanta GA, with a high of 58, and a low of 37! Damn, that’s cold compared to what it was a week ago! I had put all of my big kids back on the front porch because we were in the 70s & 80s! How did I know it was too good to be true?!? Haha 😆 Then we have my babies! Braxton is 12 and Braelynn will be 10 in April 💕 My Jolly Silver Begonia is pumping out some new leaves line so what it’s cold outside! My Croton Mammy is TRYING to make a comeback after a thick round of spider mites 🕷️ and my super TALL Purple Velvet plant is trying to reach for that full snow moon we had yesterday 🥰 Now I’ve written a mini book by mistake, I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE if I’ve missed anyone! Feel free to tag along! We love new members! Last, but never the least a GoodMorning to all of our fuzzy, cute, ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE PETS here at brunch 🐢 🐱 🐶 🐦 @lifeis2short @nellz4estfairyz @AC73LoveCats @UltraKoreanfir @theloveofplants @realsimplemama @PoisedAlbo @CutePolypremum @CourtlyKingfern @Chevysgirl11 @PlantJedi @ILoveMyPlants @TheOddAsity @SweetAzurebluet @SuperblyLilac @Ninabeena @MariansOasis @Amateurbotany @Arid_oasis @Babevila @elisenavidad @FitBrowalia @JenniB81 @JenniferNoel @Michelle5986 @debbiedo @PrizedShadscale @planthoe40 @AmusingRedhill @Pineapplemom @Popcornjoness @debbiedo @craaa777 @grateful_68 @basementforest @TRose @AmyM @Motheroforchids @BuffCaperspurge @PrincessPitStop @Plants_Galore @Prentyce @LittleSongbird @Hoyaobsessed @MusicalRedmint @Blueberrypie #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #brunchataudreys #Begonia #Croton #PurpleVelvetPlant It looks very droopy and a little brown. What should I do? Escargot Blooms!!!! This is the first time I’ve gotten my Begonia Escargot to bloom so I wanted to share with my family!!! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #PetsAndPlants #PlantCorner #GregGang #Greggers #GreggersSupportingGreggers #NEPAGregGang #FAAFO #greenthumbwannabe #Begonia #BegoniaEscargot Hey #GregCommunity !! My sister ( @Maddsplantz ) had this wonderful idea of making a plant scrapbook. ☺️ So we got binders and notebooks, a whole bunch of my mom’s scrapbooking stuff, and we are gonna make a page or two dedicated to one plant with care instructions and different information about them, along with their names and when we got them. Over time, the goal is to fill up a binder or sketchbook with all our lovely plants! 🥰🪴 If anyone would like to join in on our journey, it would be so awesome!! 🫶 use this tag and we’re gonna scrapbook away together!! 💛🌿 #plantscrapbook #plants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewPlantMom #PlantTherapy #PlantLove #HappyPlants #Greggers #GregGang #brunchataudreys #PlantCorner #HappyPlace #HappyPlants #PothosPack #Calathea #Philodendron #Aglaonema #FernFriends #OrchidLovers #SucculentSquad #AlocasiaAddicts #Anthurium #Begonia #Fittonia #ArtsAndPlants #PetsAndPlants #PropagationStation #NewGrowth #SucculentLove Who does she think she is? I gave Cleopatra her own pedestal and she decided to take off…again! #StoryofCleopatra #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PlantTherapy #PlantLove #Begonia #BegoniaBunch Similar Plants in the Community Scarlett Gryphon Begonia 乌头杂秋海棠 Gryphon Learn more about Begonia 'Gryphon' 🌻 Annual 🌟 Benefits 🏺 Best Pot 🍂 Black Spots on Leaves 🍂 Brown Spots on Leaves 🐞 Bugs 🏠 Care Indoors 🏞️ Care Outdoors 👥 Companion Plants 🌞 Direct Sunlight 🍽️ Edible 💩 Fertilizing 🌸 Flower 🥀 Flower Problems 🌐 Hardiness Zone 💦 How Often to Water 📈 How to Grow 🧑🌾 How to Plant 💨 Humidity 🏡 Landscaping Ideas 🍃 Leaves Curling 🍃 Leaves Drooping 🍃 Leaves Dropping 🍃 Leaves Falling Over 🍂 Leaves Mushy 🔄 Lifecycle 🌤️ Light Requirements 🌱 Overview 🌳 Perennial 🐝 Pollination 🤔 Problems 🧪 Propagating ✂️ Pruning 🪴 Repotting 🤒 Root Rot 🫚 Roots 📏 Size 🪴 Soil 🌡️ Temperature 😸 Toxicity to Cats 🐶 Toxicity to Dogs 👶 Toxicity to Humans 🔍 Weeds 🐛 What Eats 🗓️ When to Plant 📍 Where to Plant 😞 Wilting 🥶 Winter 🍂 Yellow Leaves