Belle- Phal. Odorion

Phalaenopsis Orchid

grow-light Grow light
window-distance 23.0ft to light
window-orientation West
4.72" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Orchid_bark
outdoor-plant Indoor

#PhalaenopsisOrchid Discussion

Orchid leaf loss

Wilting Orchid After Root Rot

PLANT BOOST TUESDAY September 3 2024 #plantboosttuesday

Just repotted my #phalaenopsisorchid for the first time 😬 I know orchids can get stressed easily but I think I was the more stressed out one here. Luckily the #roots looked nice and there are a few more coming in, like the little nub in the pic. Sized up the pot so hopefully he'll be happier now, he was climbing out the first one so it was time to move out haha

#phalaenopsisorchid #orchidlovers #repotting Just repotted my #Lidl mini orchid I hope she will feel much better soon in her new pot and nice orchid mix -4-8mm 😍🌸 She's had a nice drink πŸ’¦ bk in the evening πŸŒ† sunshine now 🌞

Turning yellow and flowers falling

Thanks to @Seymour for introducing me to #HelpMeNameMyPlant! I need help naming my new Phalaenopsis orchid. I got it as a half priced β€œpot luck” orchid as it was out of bloom and can’t be ID’d until it blooms. The excitement is in the surprise I will have when it opens the blooms but until then I have no idea what the blooms will look like and as my usual (uncreative) names tend to rely on the blooms, I have no idea what to call him/her! The app named him Sigmund, which I have left because I’m a psychotherapist by trade, but it might not be a good fit! So I wondered if anybody had any idea for names!

My new orchids arrived safely! They all look really healthy with healthy leaves and roots! The photos don’t do justice to the beautiful blooms and I’m already smitten and in love. Meet Sundae (pastel blooms. ID: 230824/03), Bronze Buddha/Bolgheri (orange/pink blooms. I’m sticking with Bronze Buddha for the name as yoga is an important part of my recovery from PTSD and the name feels really fitting) and a this far unnamed pot luck orchid - no idea what the blooms will look like. It’s growing a flower spike but it’s in the very early stages and the stress of the transit and getting used to my environment might cause it to lose the spike, which would be really normall stressed phal behaviour. Only time will will tell! Feeling a little daunted about being mother to 20 orchids but I’m up for the challenge! #orchidlovers #PhalaenopsisOrchid #PlantsMakePeopleHappy

My orchids didn't bloom this whole year- fertilizing on schedule but we moved into a new apartment last summer. They're putting on new growth. Leaves are dark green-realized they needed more light and have been near east window for 4 weeks now. Help!

Hi!! Does anybody know what is wrong? Brown tips of leaves or yellowing of leaves and looks like bitten edges too πŸ˜“πŸ˜’πŸ˜­