
Elephant Bush

window-distance 2.0ft to light
window-orientation North
6.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#ElephantBush Discussion

This dosebt seem to me to be an elephant bush. Any ideas?

New Babies #succulentlove I just got some Babies through Amazon. The first 4 pictures were delivered on 8/28, and my dwarf jade bonsai was delivered yesterday. All came in earlier than expected. They all seem to be doing very well under my grow lights. Fingers crossed 🀞

My plant is losing its leaves, any ideas? Photo here and on my profile are just a couple weeks apart. The app says its in a good location and I've been following Greg's watering instructions.

Dropping leaves

My jade plant is dying. Like it's leaves have been turning black after I came back from a trip does anyone have any solutions? Pls help me

HELP. When I bought it about a months ago, the leaves were nice and pluma. But now they are wrinkly like a raisin. I water it once a week and I move it daily a few feet so it gets about 6 hours of direct light daily. How can I help her?

HELP. When I bought it about a months ago, the leaves were nice and pluma. But now they are wrinkly like a raisin. I water it once a week and I move it daily a few feet so it gets about 6 hours of direct light daily. How can I help her?

When you get caught having a mealy bug party in your pot and get banished to under the front yard tree all alone for treatment🀣🀣 I’ve been treating with straight 70% alcohol sprayed all over but still don’t want her hanging out with the rest of the family until she’s been checked and clear for at least a week. #PestControl #WhatsThisBug #OutdoorGrowing

How days do I have to water in a week

Water plan