
Large Leaf Elephant Bush

6.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Succulent
outdoor-plant Indoor
near-ac Near A/C unit
near-humidifier Near humidifier
near-heater Near heater

#LargeLeafElephantFood Discussion

What plant is this?

Hi, I’m new to everything plants and trees. Bought my first plant, it’s a portulacaria afra, ive repotted it into a soil for cactuses. I have watched some videos but not sure what I’m doing, did not water the plant yet since I’m scared it might be too much, the leaves still feel full. Advice is appreciated I live in the Eu so there is not much sunlight and it gets dark pretty fast even though it’s near a window there is no sunlight just gloomy daylight.

The two leaves on my elephant plant that I just posted are wilting they are not firm like all the others- watering is done when the soil gets super dry I am wondering what is happening. Too much grow light exposure?

Does anyone have suggestions on what I can do with my elephant bush?

So….have any of you guys seen this before?

Just got this nursery jade plant and one other two days ago. little hera here just got moved to her now permanent (at least until she gets bigger) pot, but when i put her near the window i noticed just how wrinkled she was. i don’t have the best soil for her right now (regular instead of succulent/cactus) but i put some rocks in there to try and help with drainage. for now, im gonna keep an eye on her leaves then go from there.

Had this outside but covered under a covered porch during the freeze but it looks rough now and all the buds are falling off. It’s not mushy or anything but I’m hoping I didn’t kill it. Any advice?

Received this plant before Christmas and it’s been dropping leaves every day since. Any advice?

What kind of pot should I put her in and how much water should I be putting in

hey all, is something wrong with my elephant bush’s leaves ? last night the right one was having some discoloration and this is what i saw during my morning look over. any advice is appreciated!