
Golden Pothos

4.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor
near-ac Near A/C unit
near-humidifier Near humidifier
near-heater Near heater

#GoldenPothos Discussion

My once fully green pothos is now growing leaves that have some (admittedly beautiful) leaves with white I think this little leaf is almost fully white! Is there something I need to do? They are growing in like this! I thought I had a golden pothos but can someone tell me if it’s different?

Look at this pothos leaf😍 it's huge! #newleafwhodis #FreshLeafFriday #PothosPack #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants #PlantAddict

She's got a LOT of black leaves and quite a few stems as well. I rescued her from the clearance center at Walmart and I want to make her healthy! My husband told me I shouldn't cut them but I feel like it's working really hard to feed dying limbs.

So I work in addiction rehabilitation and one of my clients gave me her plants to take care of. She had them in her car and the soil froze. I have 3 Golden Pothos that look like this. Do I need to cut it all off and let it try again? Any advice?

Leaves are turning.

My plant has a hole (decaying spot) on one of its leaves. Any ideas how to fix?

Just got plant this week and it has brown spots on some of the leaves. Is it dying? Should I cut those leaves off?

How often should I water my Golden Pothos #GoldenPothos

Roots Still Good?

Time for a haircut! πŸͺ΄ #happyplants #goldenpothos Since I've had to bring some of my Golden Pothos in for the winter I decided to give Audrey and her sister Chloe a haircut to make them look more uniform. I think they're looking more presentable after their makeover!πŸ’š Here's a before and after of Audrey and then just a pic of Chloe. I don't have a before for her. Horrible Mom, I know. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ˜