Philodendron mamei ‘Silver Cloud’

Philodendron 'Silver Cloud'

window-distance 0.8ft to light
window-orientation North
3.44" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Philodendron Discussion

Does anyone know why my Phildendron Silver Cloud won’t grow more than 2-3 leaves? I’ve had it since April 2021 and it’s never had more than 3 leaves at a time?¿

Is this variegation?

I finally gave my Silver Cloud a coco pole to grow up, with a new leave slowly on the way… how do I train it to grow around the pole?

An impulsive repot because he wasn’t buried deep enough in the pot he came in. I’ll be adding a bamboo pole or something for him to climb when we’re home. Also droopy like someone’s touching his neck but Athena perked up once she was repotted so I’m hoping for the same result for this guy. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #ADHDPLANTLOVERS #NewPlantMom

I have one leaf that has gone limp is turning brown, I checked the soil and it is not too damp. I was wondering what else could cause this and if I should do anything with the leaf (i.e. remove it or support it)

Hello! My first post! Soooo this plant was given to me by a friend in November as a gift when my mother passed away. I cannot lose this plant.! I’m generally very good with greenery but these brown spots keep cropping up. Does anyone have a clue what I’m doing wrong? #Philodendron #RingofFire

Thoughts on this philo ID

A leaf already fell off of my new Philodendron Squamiferum. Any suggestions for care tips? #PhilodendronSquamiferum

Baphomet has a new leaf coming out!! It startled me this morning on my rounds. I knew it was coming but it is always exciting when they first emerge! #newleafalert #freshleaffriday #happyplants #philoflock #philodendron #philodendronbillietiae #plantaddict #plantsmakepeoplehappy #jesssjungle #theamigos