
Euphorbia heptagona

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
sunlight-hours 3-6 hrs light
window-orientation East
4.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Succulent
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Euphorbia Discussion

It it normal for this cactus to be this white? I just got it today


Cactus Update πŸͺ΄πŸŒ΅πŸœοΈ This is spinster my β€˜Euphorbia Spiralis’ (I think that’s the correct ID) Like other slow growing plants of mine, I never think they are growing until I compare pictures over time. I thought maybe I wasn’t caring for it correctly, or it wasn’t happy. But every couple months I would notice a brighter green shade at the top of the plant. I also watered and treated her today with #ArberBioFungicide & #ArberBioInsecticide 😊🌱πŸ§ͺ Here are the dates for the pics. 1- August 21 2- August 31 3- September 11 4- December 18 #CactusClique #Cactus #Cacti #NewGrowth #HappyPlants #GrowLights #BeforeAndAfter #PlantAddict #PlantsMakePeopleHappy

Are the yellow leaves normal on this plant? I just got it and I don’t know a lot about it.

Hey, I have this plant I just brought home. It’s in plastic, has been for years. Do you think I should change it?

Losing her…help please!!! Just moved her to direct SE window she was about 3 feet away before. Soil is still very moist from last watering. Thinking I should repot her and get the wet soil out of her roots.

Poinsettia Rescue My husband brought this Poinsettia home from his office. It was headed for the trash and he intercepted it. @StarryKentia I've got me one and will do my best to keep it alive. I don't have a very good track record! Regardless I'm up for a challenge! However, I'm getting conflicting care instruction. One says direct sunlight the other says direct sunlight will burn its leaves? Which is it? πŸ™πŸ’šπŸ˜Š #poinsettia #rescueplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #happyplants #euphorbia

This cutting has been in a pot since probably August. It wasn’t looking well so I took it out of the soil. There are no roots yet and the base is brown, thoughts?

Excited for my new euphorbia monstrose! My first time growing this bb. Any tips are much appreciated, but she seems pretty easy going so far! #HappyPlants #Euphorbia #NewPlantMom #SucculentLove #PlantAddict #SucculentSquad #succulents

New #succulents! Euphorbia Mammillaris - African Corn Cob Pleiospilos Nelii - Split Rock Lithops - Not sure I'm part of the #lithopsarmy now! #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #succulentlove #planttherapy #plantcorner #euphorbia #splitrock #lithops