
English Ivy

grow-light Grow light
window-distance 10.0ft to light
window-orientation East
4.0" pot
pot-drainage No drainage
pot-type Glazed clay
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Hedera Discussion

This plant is happy outside on the porch all summer. I will invariably kill it when I bring it in for the winter. Why?

Anyone?… Anyone?… Bueller?

*GASP* Noooooo!! Went to water Barnaby, my English Ivy (who admittedly has been looking a little down in the mouth, so I moved him to where he’d get different light), and discovered… Yep, you guessed it. Spider mites. 😱😭🀬 Luckily I’d put him in a low-trafficked room and not too close to other plants. Not totally on his own, but not so close that I’ll lie awake at night worrying about the others in that room. I’m gonna move him yet again and I just doused him with Aunt Fannie’s Insect Remedy (because it’s all I have at the moment), but I think I’m gonna bite the bullet and place an order for one of the pricier options (We the Wild, Arbor, or Dead AF, or a combination of the three. LOL). In any event, positive thoughts and whatnot would be appreciated by both Barnaby and me. πŸ₯° #Pests #SpiderMites #EnglishIvy #Noooo

Does she want to climb or dangle?

New plant questions!

Should I be concerned?

Should I keep my ivy in the bathroom?

πŸͺ΄ #EnglishIvy So when I first started buying plants I got an #EnglishIvy just like this one, well it ended up really sick and it died πŸ˜’ Pretty sure it got root rot. My mother ended up buying me this Ivy πŸ˜… (same exact one as my last one) well it did good at first and then the leaves started drying out and falling off just like the last one.. πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ after a lot of research I noticed I might have been overwatering (Idk how, I would only water when soil was dry) so I stopped watering it. πŸ˜… Ivys don’t like me πŸ˜’ but I’ve been doing my best to keep this one alive cause my mother gave it to me and now that I basically forgot about it, it’s all happy. πŸ˜‚πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ’š #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #

Bought this girl from Home Depot a month ago and she’s giving me lots of new growth 😍 #HappyPlants #EnglishIvy #Hedera #TeardropIvy #NewGrowth

My Ivy looks sick, lots of vines have dried and died and it has lost a lot of its color. I moved it to a window and added a grow light, I am watering it as the app advises… I don’t know what else to do! Would love some advice!