Captain Plant-it

Mandarin Plant

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
window-distance 4.9ft to light
window-orientation South
3.7" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor
near-heater Near heater

#Chlorophytum Discussion

The other one I’m noticing with issues is my baby mandarin plant. It has been getting black tips on the edges of the leaves. I think it may be overwatered but am wondering if it’s something else too. Thanks!

Is this a flower? Seed?

Mandarin Plant leaves turning pale, but also blackening?

Why are the leaves dying?

Spider Plant is dying. After about two weeks of not watering my spider plant is just rotten and… dead. I have no idea why.

Decided to do some repotting last night, and I dunno y'all. Do you think this plant needs a repot? Or do you think I can let it go a little longer? 😂 #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #plantmafia #planttherapy #plantjokes #plantjokes #spiderplant #rootporn #rootbound

Cora, The #spiderplant My plant enemy! The last two I had were much smaller and died in like three days. Today makes 3 weeks!! Lol still love her but I’m afraid of her. Literally haven’t touched her since she was repotted, I even water her in this spot and she gets regular rotations. She’s doing great minimal brown tips and getting bigger constantly!! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #SpiderPlant #Cholorophytum

I just got this spider plant, and the tips are turning brown and dying. What is the issue? Any help is appreciated! 🙌🏼

My baby’s tips are browning!! She’s in well draining soil, under a grow light but not in the direct light and is water with rain water! What can I do to help her??

Guys, I might’ve killed #PipSqueakTheIntrepid’s fave plant. For those of you who have been following #PipsAdventures, you’ll remember that she has a favorite plant; it’s a spider that (used to) lived right next to my bathtub. And she luuuuurrved this thing. While she was still too little to join the family we kept her in our bedroom and that’s where she discovered her green paw and love of plants, this one in particular (named Catnip, for obvious reasons). She spent a lot of time alone up there and I think this plant became her friend in a way. She played in it, ate its soil, batted at its legs… She bonded with it. So much so that she contracted ringworm from its dirt. Yes, come to find out, the dirt of a plant can carry ringworm, as it’s a fungus, not a parasite as the name suggests. Her treatment (and mine — thanks, baby girl) would last six long, traumatic weeks filled with oral medication, sprays, medicated wipes, and baths that were terrifying for her as she had to sit in a shower stall, dripping wet for ten minutes minimum while the medicated shampoo could have time to be effective. She was five weeks old, MAX, when this started. Meanwhile, Catnip was moved out of reach, until it wasn’t so out of reach, and then it was relegated to a hallway, where the rest of us avoided it as if it was carrying the bubonic plague, otherwise known as the Black Death. Some of you #Greggers thought I should pitch the plant kit-n-kaboodle and be done with it. I might’ve, had it not been Pip’s buddy, and healthy otherwise. Plus, it was a JAWS 4 kinda thing for me. This time it’s personal. But life in this house is chaotic at best — we have a lot of shit going on (pardon the language—but truly, it could be worse), what with 5 generations under one roof, and, the sun rapidly beginning its final descent for 1 of those generations. So, Catnip sat there on that bookcase in the hallway until just this past weekend, when I finally had the time to get medieval on its ass — to purify the plant if you will and rid it of the malignant scourge it carried. Weeeelll… I may have gotten a little too Marcellus Wallace with it. It’s been 5 days and I dare say it looks worse than it did after spending 8 weeks in a dimly lit hallway being ignored by flora, fauna, and humans alike. So, I guess now it’s sort of a Deep Blue Sea thing for me; an experiment in survival, not with a Mako but a spider that’s only crime was befriending an itsy-bitsy black kitten. #PetsAndPlants #PetsOfGreg #CatsOfGreg #PetSafePlants #SpiderPlant #FridayFunsies #PlantMafia #HisLobster #Update #Repot #FungusAmongUs #RootBound #StoriesWithJenn