Tupot amaroot

Ficus Ginseng

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
sunlight-hours Zero hrs light
pot-drainage No drainage
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Ficus Discussion

Only had my ficus just over a week. It seems to be dropping leaves. ☹️ Please advise.

Can anyone give me advice on my Ficus Ginseng? This is my first time having one and I got her from Home Depot. She’s so frail and looks a little lifeless. I think repotting her would be a good idea since they had her in this huge pot! Any tips/tricks?

I've had my plant a long time and was doing so good, then the leaves starting falling g off the whole plant and looked dead. What happened?

Watering when moisture meter says wet

Her little leaves have this white, almost dusty looking like stuff on them. It’s not like a whole bunch, but just enough to notice and it looks dusty and dirty kinda. Can I wipe that off with a damp washcloth or something?

Can anyone advise me what is happening or what I'm doing wrong here? First ficus. I haven't tended to it for 10 days due to LA fires. The leaves are dropping like flies. Do they grow back? Please help me save this little nugget

My ficus keeps dropping leaves, watering seems Ok, it’s in the green moist zone. I bought it a month ago and have just been losing leaves.. what should i do??

Ficus Microcarpa leaves turning brought and dropping fast

It’s loosing leaves dramatically, should I be watering it more?

So I've been trying to get into Bonsai so my Aunt got me a Bonsai beginners kit that came with a 3 month subscription Greg, back to my question. I got a Ginseng Ficus and from the kit and I just put it in a actual pot yesterday. I plan to keep it indoors will that effect when I should Prune it? When should I be pruning a Bonsai tree to keep it at the desired hight?