Navajo Cocoon Plant No drainage Regular Indoor View @EmergingBonsai's Oasis #Senecio Discussion Help Id-ing Identification again How big do these grow? Show me your pickles!!! Any plant known as a pickle plant, or any plant named 'Pickles!'. I thought 'Famous Dave' (my pickle plant) was supposed to be tall and straight, but a lot of newer growth went wavy... probably not enough light/etioliated. #pickleplant #plantsmakepeoplehappy #happyplants #newgrowth #coolpots Trying to salvage these guys. Is there any hope? Plant is dying. Pls help My string of fishhooks is growing a lot of aerial roots and the leaves are a little dry. What do you recommend? More sun and more water? my plant is not that full. it also has a few stems that are really long but have no leaves and a lot of the leaves shrivel up :( My plant dropped all its leaves in the middle of the stem awhile AFP and they haven't grown back. The leaves at the bottom and the top look healthy but the plant just looks a bit wonky. 😂 Any ideas or suggestions on chopping it and propogating the top half? #PropagationStation Tips to getting water stains off my sweet girl? Similar Plants in the Community Al Pax Beyonce Shiroame