Wendy Darling

Never Never Ctenanthe

window-orientation Skylight
9.84" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Outdoor

#NeverNeverCtenanthe Discussion

New leaf! Quill must like this spot in my living room, this is the second new leaf since being moved here. I also like him being here because I get to watch how much he moves throughout the day, especially that big leaf. The biggest leaf is probably 10 inches long! Love this guy. πŸ’š #neverneverctenanthe #ctenanthe #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #newgrowth #plantaddict #jesssjungle

Hello everyone! Total newbie here. Is my never never plant over watered or under watered here? And if over - how do I fix it?? Thanks in advance

Yellowed leaves

What is happening with this? Why?

Hey! I'm new to this app! I'm just curious, I want to water propogate my never never ctenanthe, any tips? I can't find much info online. Thank you in advance! πŸ₯°

Two different sorts of bugs, on two plants, this week :/

I cannot believe how many new leaves Quill has given me since I moved him under a grow light and near a north facing window. I found his happy spot, FOR SURE! Just take a look at his newest HUGE leaf! My hand for scale. 🌿 #neverneverctenanthe #neverneverplant #ctenanthe #newleafalert #newgrowth #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #jesssjungle #theamigos

I fear for the worst πŸ’”

Quill got moved under a grow light and he has grown 3 new leaves in about a month, one HUGE one!! I love his stripey leaves. #neverneverctenanthe #ctenanthe #neverneverplant #happyplants #growlights #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #planttherapy #plantlove #jesssjungle #theamigos

Look at all that #NewGrowth on my #NeverNeverCtenanthe Six new leaves down there! It’s been a journey with her!