
Hawaiian Pothos

6.0" pot
pot-drainage No drainage

#HawaiianPothos Discussion

I’m curious about the brown spot on my Hawaiian Pothos. Anyone have any ideas and/or suggestions on how to resolve? Thanks in advance.

SO MUCH GROWTH 😍 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PothosPack Mr. Leaf Erickson is growing so fast! πŸͺ΄πŸ˜² these new leaves are HUGE! I’ve never seen leaves like this on a pothos?!

Is this normal?

Yesterday vs today - so dramatic! Water + new location. Let's see how this goes Hawhyee πŸ˜‚πŸ™πŸ½

Any idea why these yellow leaves are appearing on my Hawaiian pothos?

Look at my baby roots!! πŸ₯° First time propping! It took a minute but things are happening! #PropagationStation #Propagation #HawaiianPothos #RootPorn

New plant


I got my first order from #plantproper @JCPlantProper today!! 😍 Thank you, Iris, for packing my new plant friend! I love her πŸ’š Also, thank you to @dreamlettuce for getting me to fall in love with pothos after seeing all of your posts lol #PlantProperFanClub #plantproperfriday #HawaiianPothos #PothosPack

@AwesomePlants This was my #plantsauna lastnight 😍 Took as many babies in there as I could 🀣 I swear by the plant sauna everyone! If you have lower humidity in your home/ no humidifier, grab a few of your plant pals , drop the in the bathroom while you shower & let them soak up that humidity! 🀩❀️if anyone else does any plant saunas , tag me in it or add the Hashtag , I want to see your plant saunas! πŸ‘€ #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PlantTherapy #Monstera #MonsteraMob #NorthTexasGregGang #TexasGregGang #CentralTexasGang