
Alocasia 'Dragon Scale'

grow-light Grow light
window-distance 6.0ft to light
window-orientation NE
5.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Coco_coir
outdoor-plant Indoor
near-humidifier Near humidifier

#Alocasia Discussion

Brown spots

Why does the leaf look like this ?

Yellow leaves

Adding new babies to the collection! It’s winter and I was feeling stuck in a plant slump. We just moved and everything is still finding its place! Picked up this Alocasia and Aloe Vera plant! I stuck them in my bathroom with a grow light. Do these two do well in humidity?

#freshleaffriday #alocasiaaddicts My beautiful Alocasia Dragon Scale is finally bouncing back from losing all of its roots to root rot. It was a stunner when I first got it but it came with a terrible case of root rot which I didn't discover until some gregger let me know what was happening. It was my first time giving Alocasia a try and I have to say, considering I got one with root rot things aren't going too bad. After just a few months it's recovering.

Please help! This is my alocasia dragon scale. She was fine until about 2-3 weeks ago, when she started turning yellow. I water her once every 10-14 days and she lives in a cabinet/ greenhouse with a grow light. Idk what went wrong πŸ˜’

How do I keep plant healthy

UPDATE ON MY ALOCASIA: I cut off the rotted part and the leaves that were practically dead. I hope this helps. Only one healthy leaf left! #AlocasiaAddicts #Alocasia #AlocasiaDragonScale #Recovery

I have an Alocasia dragon scale. She’s not doing too good. I found this rot in the center of it. It’s not usually wet. It’s just wet in this picture because I had a humidifier going next to it for a minute. I thought mabey a repot would help? So I repotted it and look at these roots! Beautiful. I also found about 4 corms. I put them in sphagnum moss to propagate. What do you think? Could it be the rot? It looks pretty bad… #AlocasiaAddicts #Alocasia #AlocasiaDragonScale #help #helpneeded #helpme #HelpfulSuggestions #PlantAddict #GrowLights #PlantTherapy #BeforeAndAfter #PlantShelfie #Rot

So this is what Al has come to. I had to β€œtrim” him down to a root ball. He produced this baby about a week ago. I don’t know if Al will be a 1 leaf kind of dude since I don’t know where another leaf will be able@to sprout from. Anyway, I’ll enjoy him while I have him. #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantRehab #ImAPlantPeople #AlocasiaAddicts #Alocasia #PlantTherapy #PropagationStation #MyHeartIsInTheSoil #PlantLove