
Nerve Plant

window-distance 5.0ft to light
5.28" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Glazed clay
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Fittonia Discussion

My beautifull plantโ˜˜๏ธโ˜˜๏ธโ˜˜๏ธ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฑ

Advice requestedโ€ฆ

Watering Advice

#FreshLeafFriday #NewGrowth #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy @PoisedAlbo @PlantJedi @Ninabeena @Chevysgirl11 Frazzle Dazzle is doing so well. Iโ€™ve never had a nerve plant before and Iโ€™ve only had her a few months, so can one of you tell me if this is a flower? And if it is, is it normal for it to bloom this late in the season? Thanks

I just repotted (yesterday) and watered my plant as I realized the one it came in had no drainage. Since this morning, parts of it have started dropping very significantly. First pic when I got it. Second is now

Even when you go out in Perth, Australia, on a Saturday evening, you can still manage to find some plants along the way #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantShelfie #GregGang #Greggers #theamigos #Seymour #beautiful #creatingascene

Tips on keeping my nerve plant alive this is my second one. My first died over the winter

My nerve plant isn't growing and looks rough. I bought it tiny back in February, and this is it. Hasn't gotten any new leaves or growth. Is it a slow grower, or am I doing something wrong.

How do I know when my nerve plant will need a new pot? My Nia has been with me a couple of months now and has sprouted slowly. Pretty new to plants, any tips? #NervePlant

This is La Princessa, my pink nerve plant, and the plant Iโ€™ve had the longestโ€”sheโ€™s been with me since I moved into this house in September, the start of my plant journey. She is easily one of my favorite plants, though we struggled intensely for several months. But I learned her quirks and she has doubled in size under my care. Itโ€™s so rewarding when you get a plant to really thrive. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #NervePlant #plantamigos #FavoritePlants #colorfulplants #Fittonia