Beyonce Garden Hyacinth Direct sunlight 20.0ft to light 6+ hrs light East 20.0" pot Drainage Metal Regular Outdoor View @CoolAglaonema's Oasis #GardenHyacinth Discussion Hello! My hyacinth has recently grown these brownish flowers. Is it dying? Do I need to do something in specific? I saw online that they donβt bloom for long but Iβm not too sure Help me name my new Pink Hyacinth! The leaves are getting orange, what to do? Surprisingly, I found Magenta is starting to create a stem! I think I'll need to repot her soon. So exciting! #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy #plantcorner #plantlove #iloveplants #newgrowth #planttlc #greggang #adhdplantlovers My leaves are yellowing. Tips on managing this? So my apartment complex did a pressure wash day on the buildings and balconies but didnβt put out a notice until hours later so while my hyacinths were outside they got ruined with the pressure and bleach, Iβm changing the soil and potting to see if I can help them. Any help and advice on caring for my favorite flowers is greatly appreciated. P.S. Iβve never gardened a day in my life so this is my first time ever!π Hi! How do you care for a hyacinth after it blooms? I canβt keep it outside because I live in an apartment with no lawn/backyard space and non balcony either :/ #HappyPlants #PlantTherapy #hyacinth Right soil? Recovering from Root Rot Turning a dark pink and getting slightly flimsy petals Similar Plants in the Community Plato Hamilton Winston Learn more about Garden Hyacinth π» Annual π Benefits πΊ Best Pot π Black Spots on Leaves π Brown Spots on Leaves π Bugs π Care Indoors ποΈ Care Outdoors π₯ Companion Plants π Direct Sunlight π½οΈ Edible π© Fertilizing πΈ Flower π₯ Flower Problems π Hardiness Zone π¦ How Often to Water π How to Grow π§βπΎ How to Plant π¨ Humidity π‘ Landscaping Ideas π Leaves Curling π Leaves Curling π Leaves Drooping π Leaves Dropping π Leaves Falling Over π Lifecycle π€οΈ Light Requirements π± Overview π³ Perennial π Pollination π€ Problems π§ͺ Propagating βοΈ Pruning πͺ΄ Repotting π€ Root Rot π« Roots π Size πͺ΄ Soil π‘οΈ Temperature πΈ Toxicity to Cats πΆ Toxicity to Dogs πΆ Toxicity to Humans π± Varieties π Weeds π What Eats ποΈ When to Plant π Where to Plant π Wilting π₯Ά Winter π Yellow Leaves