
Swiss Cheese Vine

window-orientation East
6.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Monstera Discussion


Hi I just got my monstera 5 days ago and it's looked like this when I bought it so how can I help it

Trouble propagating

Yellowed, dry, leaf. Too much sun? How do I know what is too much?

I just bought this plant last week and it already looks sad :( any tips to help ? I’ve already pulled 2 dead leaves off and there are a couple more getting brown tips

#monsteramonday! Welcome this new leaf on Lilly! #newgrowth #newplantmom #freshleaffriday #proudplantmommoment #plantcorner #rareplants #outdoorgrowing #plantlove #plantmommy #gardenlove #planttherapy #gregfam #balconyview #greggers #terracegarden #monsteraadansonii #monsteramob

I just received Delilah (my SC Monstera) who ive been DYING to meet! Her leaves r paper thin & had to untangle some thru the holes of other leaves without tearing them . Also many were furled all the way closed like a scroll. All the while im wondering y the leaves arebt the sturdy, shiny ones ive seen on all otger Monsteras! Please tell me its immaturity or result of shipping (its 9 degrees so theres that), sibce tge leaves were curled, i figured she was thirsty so gave her about 1C w/SuperThrive and sge drained well and on saucer now as shes in nursery pot. Please help me to get her tough & strong !! Counting on u guys! #monsteras #happyplants

Leggy MonsteraAdansonii

#HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #NewGrowth #PlantAddict #MonsteraMonday #RootPorn Hello any thoughts on replanting in winter ❄️ The roots are also an inch or so coming out the bottom. I’m thinking my girl can wait till spring. But don’t want to damage her .

Monstera Adansonii not growing