Aria Rattlesnake Plant 3.0ft to light North 6.0" pot Drainage Plastic Regular Indoor View @Chariisma's Oasis #Goeppertia Discussion Underwatered/fungal/dramatic af? Drmaatic plant :/ Rattlesnake Plant Hello everyone! I was gifted this cutie for Christmas 🎁. The plant tag says it's an Aglaonema. Who's correct? Any tips for how to care for him? Thanks 👍😊 #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy #newgrowth #greggang @JenniB81 My plant seems to be loosing its color, could it be the light? #RattlesnakePlant Hi!!! I received this beautiful plant as my secret Santa gift at work, because everybody knows how much I love plants! I’m pretty terrified of it, though! They have a reputation for being “fussy.” Please, if you’re keeping one of these thriving, give me all the details on how to not kill it! It’s so beautiful. #RattlesnakePlant #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict White soil? Hi! I have been treating for fungus gnats, but how do I deal with this white soil? Got these light brown spots developing recently. Have adequate drainage and used MiracleGro indoor plant fertilizer, diluted. This was given to me by a friend and I noticed it doesn’t fold up like I’ve read and heard from others. I’ve tried everything- watered, humidifier, no direct sunlight…and it looks like this. Am I going doing something wrong? Wilting leaves Similar Plants in the Community Delilah Striper Rattler