Greens Syngonium Glo Go 4.0" pot No drainage View @Brownthumbnewb's Oasis #Syngonium Discussion Crisp white snow, bright blue skies, and fresh new leaves make for a great #FreshLeafFriday 💚 Purple Passion #Alocasia two new leaves Latest #ThaiConstellationMonstera leaf, no fenestrations but oh so sweet Two new #syngonium Albo leaves 🌿🌿 It was time to repot my Syngonium Glo Go but I didn’t have a spare pot large enough. Time to split! I guess it’s like having a band split up to follow individual careers - sometimes the room to grow can only be found alone. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #SyngoniumSquad #divideandconquer #PlantsSavedMyMentalHealth #Hydroponics #plantjourney Grocery store find! My syngonium had root rot and idk how to save it DIY sphagnum pole for my 1 year old syngonium? Humidity Huddle while watering today!! #HappyPlants #Fittonia #Syngonium #Aglaonema #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #NewGrowth #PlantTherapy #GrowLights #PlantCorner #philodendron #PlantLove #humidityhuddle @Maddsplantz This doesn’t look like other photos at all! What could be up with it? Thanks in advance! how to fix this? too much sun? not enough? :(( Brown ends Woke up today and she is leaning? Similar Plants in the Community Nemo Bulma McKinley Batik