
Mini Monstera

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
window-distance 5.0ft to light
sunlight-hours 3-6 hrs light
window-orientation North
6.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#MiniMonstera Discussion

My husband surprised me with this gorgeous Monstera! It arrived in a self-watering pot – should I keep it there? Any care tips for a happy Monstera?

My poor mini monstera looks like a nightmare.

Mini Monstera wilting and turning yellow after repotting :(

My plant is wilting and leaves are yellow. The app calls for water,but my water probe says it's fine. What can I do to get it back to being healthy? Thank you

#MiniMonstera a couple of months ago I tried β€œpinching” a leaf on the main stem to encourage new growth (it was only growing as a single vine due to insufficient light).I read that for every single leaf pinched off the vine to expose a node, two will more will emerge. Well! Not only did a new branch form, the fourth leaf is growing out of it! Can’t wait to see what happens next πŸ˜€

Some new growth dying? Air roots shriveled and tips brown?

Translucent Leaves

I rescued 3 more plant today that we in a very sad state, and this is one of them. So far I've snipped off the dead leave and gave it a ggd sok. Oter than reporting which I will do, any suggestions?

I’m need some plant friends advice for a regular Monstera Del. mature and I had it in PON for almost year with a most pole and the root rot is all over. What should I do???I trimmed root rot but i didn’t get it all and i soaked in peroxide and now I need help. Maybe chop it to the best looking aerial roots or plant in a nice chunky mix or go back to PON? #Monstera #rootrotsurvivor #help

Just found at Walmart. Is there anything I should do? The soil feels moist still, but there are some badly browned spots on the leaves, and some dry spots on the stock