
Phalaenopsis Orchid

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
sunlight-hours 3-6 hrs light
pot-drainage No drainage
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#PhalaenopsisOrchid Discussion

How to care for this?

Is this an orchid flower bud?

How can I make my οΏΌ orchid bloom

I got three new plants!!!! Meet Jasmine, Pearl, and Selene!

#HappyPlants #NewGrowth #OrchidLovers I’m so proud of myself for finally learning how to care for my orchids. This is the first time I have ever gotten one to grow a new spike and reflower! I kept this one alive for 9 months so far and I’m just tickled that he’s blooming again! #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict

Long story: SO i went nursery hopping [again] coz i was bored. I found this phal [the phals are on clearance, cause end of CNY], couldn't resist and got it on like, 30% off. I got this british orchid feed as well. Got a net pot that was supposed to be for hydropots too, coz they didn't have the right size of clear plastic pots that i would repot into [sphagnum bad in my climate]. It had this little keiki growing too! Short story: I succumbed πŸ˜” Meet Cass! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewPlants #NewPlant #OrchidLovers #OrchidOrg #Orchid #PhalaenopsisOrchid #MiniPhalaenopsisOrchid

Update on my sick sunburnt Phal! She’s grown new roots, lost the worst yellow leaves, reversed some yellow, and is now pushing out new green leaves πŸ’š it’s amazing what a little time and care will do! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #orchids #OrchidLovers #phalaenopsis

Hi all, I’m new here! I ☺️ πŸͺ΄My plant Coco was once a beautiful orchid with lovely jewel tone flowers. In Colorado it is *very* dry due to our high altitude…so she dropped them all last summer. Now, she has new buds though so there is hope yet and I water her weekly. πŸ™πŸ» How do I give TLC during this transition? I did order some orchid-specific plant spikes to feed her tender heart. πŸŒ±πŸ’š

Hi! I’m new here and new to plants! Please drop helpful tips to taking care of an orchid πŸ™πŸΌ

I’m bringing my moms plant back. It was a beautiful orchid but the stem has died. However the leaves seem to be turning green again! Is there a way for me to revive this plant?