Treeyoncé Zebra Plant No drainage Regular Indoor View @BonafideCassava's Oasis #HaworthiaFasciata Discussion I can't seem to post photos anymore so I'm going to try tagging them in a photo Jade and Echeveria lost a few leaves in the moving process but overall I think they are pretty happy #happyplants #succulentlove #plantaddict #planttherapy 3 of my babies got moved today, the Jade and Echeveria lost a few leaves in the process but overall I think they're looking pretty happy 😊 #happyplants #succulentlove Why top of leaf of my plant yellowing How much do I water my succulents? Khaleesi is looking great! #WhatTheSuccWednesday #SucculentSquad Help please im new at this!! Can anyone tell me why this little guy is starting to dry up here's before and now pictures. This baby was salvaged from my mom’s laundry room where it sat in windows unattended and pretty brown with dust all over it. I started it in water the potted and look at it go. Babies and so beautiful! Should I change my pot? #SucculentLove I got a house plant to keep a watch on while I do my work. Can somebody help me name the plant? Does anyone have any tips for this type of plant? #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NameMyPlants #HelpMeNameMyPlant #ZebraHaworthiopsis Similar Plants in the Community Racing Stripes Athena Marley Snow Plant