Luna Moonstone 2.5" pot No drainage View @Bellyboo's Oasis #Moonstone Discussion Is loosing leaves and look sick I had to cut off both of my moonstones because it was over watered in the nursery and the stem was rotting, what should I do now? 😥 My moonstone is in a shared pot, will this affect the growth? Is this really a moonstone? Is this even a moonstone? what do i do with this guy Maddie the Moonstone has plumped back up! I put her in a terracotta pot (per Greg instructions) and popped her on the back step to absorb the abundant Ithaca rain (including a visit from Hurricane Debby). Thanks to @Seedstarter for the great advice! My Moonstone is struggling New pot How do I revive these guys? Similar Plants in the Community Zion Apollo Gregarious Winston